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The 131th Global History Seminar


Date: Thursday 21th November, 17:00-18:30

In person: Seminar Room 505, Graduate School of Law and Graduate School of Economics Buildings, Toyonaka Campus

(Co-Organaize by Economic and Business History Workshop, Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University)


Professor Mark Metzler (University of Washington / Osaka University)

”The Globalization of Business Cycles in the 19th Century: A Narrative History”



The 130th Global HistorySeminar


Date: Saturday 22th June, 15:00-17:00

(Joint Seminar with Kansai University and Sugihara Kaken)

Kansai University Senriyama Campus Area2 C507


Prof. Tirthankar Roy (LSE/Kansai)

”The Great Retreat? : Tropical Pastoralism since the late-19th century”



The 129th Global History Seminar


Date: Tuesday 30th April, 15:00-16:30

In person: Seminar Room 605, Graduate School of Law and Graduate School of Economics Buildings, Toyonaka Campus

(Co-Organaize by Economic and Business History Workshop, Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University)


Dr. Mariama Kaba (University of Lausanne, Univesity of Tokyo)

”Migration and Epidemics: When the Swiss public health system faces populations on the move during the 20th century”



The 128th Global History Seminar


Date: Tuesday 30th April, 15:00-16:30

(Co-Organaize by Economic and Business History Workshop, Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University)

Koji Hirata (Monash University, Australia)

”Mao's Globalization?: A New Look at China's Economic Cold War"




The 127th Global History Seminar


Date: Monday 15th April, 10:30-12:00

(Co-Organaize by Economic and Business History Workshop, Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University)

Maxine Berg (University of Wrsich, UK)

"Slavery and the British Economy: New Directions after Eric Williams"


The 126th Global History Seminar

Date: Friday 15th March, 21:00-23:00


Patrick Manning (University of Pittsburgh)


"Our Environment: Present, Past, and Future"



The 125th Global History Seminar
(Hybrid/ face
-to face)

Date: Friday 16th February, 17:00-19:00

Robert Bickers(University of Bristol, UK)

"China Bound: John Swire & Sons and Its World, 1816-1980"   


Place: Nakaniwa Meetingroom, Graduate School of Humanities, Osaka University

The 124th Global History Seminar
(Hybrid/ face-to face)

Date: Monday 29th January, 17:00-19:00


Heé Nadin (Osaka University)

"Fishing for a New World Order.
Migrating Tuna and Labor in the 20th Century Transimperial Indo-Pacific"


Place: No.11 room , 1F, Lecture Building of School of Humanities&Law&Economics, Osaka University

Copyright (c) 2013- Osaka University Global History Studies. All rights reserved. 

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