Global History Online
第95回Global History Seminar
日時: 2020年12月18日(金) 16:30-18:30
場所: ZOOMによるセミナー
瀧口 剛 (大阪大学 法学研究科・教授)
Wartime Business Circles in Osaka---the road to ’Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere’
第94回Global History Seminar
日時: 2020年12月4日(金) 16:30-18:30
場所: 大阪大学文学研究科 大会議室
南 和志(大阪大学 国際公共政策研究科・准教授)
第93回Global History Seminar
日時: 2020年11月20日(金) 16:30-18:30 (JST)
場所: ZOOMによるセミナー
Dr. Nicole CuUnjieng Aboitiz
Philippine Asianist thought and Southeast Asian Pan-Asianist action in the "periphery" of Asia at the turn of the twentieth century
Dr. Nicole CuUnjieng Aboitiz is a Research Fellow at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, working on global intellectual history and Southeast Asian cultural-environmental history. She holds a PhD in Southeast Asian and International History from Yale University and was previously a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Weatherhead Center for
International Affairs at Harvard University. Her first book, Asian Place, Filipino Nation: A Global Intellectual History of the Philippine Revolution, 1887-1912 was published by Columbia University Press in 2020. She is the Executive Director of the Toynbee Prize Foundation, the premiere organization for global history.
第92回Global History Seminar
日時: 2020年11月6日(金)16:30-18:30 (JST)
場所: ZOOMによるセミナー
妹尾達彦(中央大学文学部 教授)
1. 交通網の歴史地理学:中心地階層論から境界都市論へ
2. ユーラシア大陸東部の交通網の転換:長安都市網から北京都市網へ
3. 陸の風、海の香り:景観から風景へ
4. 北京:21世紀の世界都市へ
第91回Global History Seminar
日時: 2020年10月16日(金)16:30-18:30 (JST)
場所: ZOOMによるセミナー
Pierrick Pourchasse (University of Western Brittany in Brest、France)
Franco-Danish trade relations in the Indian Ocean in the 18th century
Pierrick Pourchasse is professor of early modern history at the University of Western Brittany in Brest and a researcher at the CRBC (Centre de Recherches Bretonne et Celtique). His research focuses on maritime trade in modern times and the economic history of Scandinavia. He is the author of several books (including Le commerce du Nord, exchanges between France and northern Europe in the 18th century, Rennes, 2006, The trade of roe bait, Bergen, 2013) and about 80 articles concerning these topics.
第90回Global History Seminar
日時: 2020年10月2日(金)16:30-18:30
場所: 大阪大学文学研究科 中庭会議室
Harald Fuess
Professor of History, Heidelberg University
Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy
Cholera and Meiji Japan: Medical Knowledge, International Relations and the Quarantine
Cholera originated in Bengal in 1817 before it reached the rest of the world in multiple pandemic waves proving to be the most frightening and deadly disease of the nineteenth century. Cholera arrived in Japan through Nagasaki already during the late Edo Period and the 1858 epidemic with its high death toll in the capital helped to weaken the Tokugawa government. After the 1868 Meiji Restoration cholera reemerged with full force when it was spread by the victorious imperial forces who had defeated Saigo Takamori in the Satsuma Rebellion of 1877. The year 1879 proved to be the peak of the disease with a record of 180.000 patients, the majority of whom died within a few days from being infected. Ever since cholera has been endemic to Japan with major regional outbreaks recurring over the years and only becoming negligible by the twentieth century where other pandemics like the Spanish influenza had a more devastating effect on the indigenous population.
My presentation will employ a global history perspective to reassess our understanding of cholera in Meiji Japan. As a worldwide pandemic, cholera elicited global responses locally. The medical causes of the disease were not known until Robert Koch’s discovery in 1884 with the cure remaining contested thereafter. In the period of uncertainty, international quarantine for ships and social seclusion through isolation hospitals proved to be some of the common measures advocated by medical professionals and public health administrators. Public policy caused cholera riots domestically with attacks against police, doctors and missionaries. Meiji diplomacy led to major international relations conflicts with imperial countries advocating free trade but also proved a stepping stone for Japan to assert its own imperial power in East Asia.
第89回Global History Seminar
日時: 2020年6月26日(金)16:30-18:30
場所: (ZOOMによるセミナー)
David Lowe
(Chair in Contemporary History School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Education Deakin University)
”The Colombo Plan towards the Indo-Pacific: exploratory diplomacy of the long 1950s”
第88回Global History Seminar
日時: 2020年5月22日(金)16:30-18:30
場所: (ZOOMによるセミナー)
第87回Global History Seminar
日時: 2020年4月24日(金)16:30-18:30
場所: (ZOOMによるセミナー)
Timo Särkkä
(フィンランド・ユバスカラ大学 歴史・民俗学部講師)
”Paper and the British Empire: The Quest for Imperial Raw Materials, 1861 to 1960”
第 回Global History Seminar 中止・延期
日時: 2020年4月14日(火)16:30-18:30
場所: 大阪大学文学研究科(豊中キャンパス)大会議室
Rien T. Segers
(Professor of Clingendael Institute of International Relations
The Hague, the Netherlands)
”BREXIT 2020: CAUSES, IMPLICATIONS AND FUTURE SCENARIO’S The most serious threat in the history of the European Union”
第86回Global History Seminar
日時: 2020年1月17日(金)16:30-18:30
場所: 大阪大学文学研究科(豊中キャンパス)大会議室
Diego Holstein (Professor of History University of Pittsburgh)